Blackberry and rosemary crumble

Has it been the worst garden year for you as well? It seems this year nothing has grown here. We’ve had 20 cherry tomatoes in total and they were ripe only in August! A severe hailstorm occured last month, which wrecked all the gardens here… 
And there are (almost) no blackberries yet… I went foraging about 4-5 days ago (ok, now it’s been more than 10 days) and could only find 300 g of blackberries. The others were all pink or had shrinked under the hot weather we’ve had the last two months. I’m utterly disappointed as I’m now in Versailles and won’t be able to eat as many blackberries as I would like… 

Here’s the recipe to a super simple single-serving blackberry crumble, you only need a handfull of blackberries!

Blackberry and rosemary crumble
(vegan, gluten-free, grain-free)

25 g almond meal
20 g coconut flour
15 g maple syrup
45 g coconut oil (liquid)
a small  fresh rosemary twig

100 g blackberries

Wash your blackberry and place them in oven-proof dish. Preheat oven to 200°C.
In a bowl, combine almond meal and coconut flour. Fold in the maple syrup and coconut oil and add finely chopped fresh rosemary. With your fingertips crumble the dough on top of the blackberries. Bake for 15-20 minutes depending on how brown you want it.

Crumble aux mûres et au romarin
(végétalien, sans gluten)

25 g poudre d’amandes
20 g farine de coco
15 g sirop d’érable
45 g huile de coco (liquide)
quelques brins de romarin

100 g mûres

Laver les mûres puis les mettre dans dans un petit plat qui passe au four. Préchauffer le four à 200°C.

Dans un bol, mélanger la poudre d’amandes et la farine de coco. Verser le sirop d’érable et l’huile de coco puis ajouter quelques brins de romarin haché finement. Du bout des doigts, émiettez la pâte sur les mûres. Cuire 15-20 minutes. 

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